business growth Archives - Stratefix Consulting

business growth

Business Continuity and Contingency Planning: How SMEs Can Prepare for and Mitigate Disruptions

Ever wondered if your business can survive a major disaster? If you’re unsure about your...

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Digital Textile Printing Industry

How to Transform Operational Chaos into a Growth Engine in the Digital Textile Printing Market?...

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From Local Hero to Global Star: How MSMEs Can Win Big?

MSMEā€™s – The backbone of Indian economy contributing a staggering 30% of the country’s GDP....

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Business Coach Vs Business Consulting

When business gets confusing, don’t flip a coin ā€“ flip through the playbook of business...

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Impact of Customer Feedback on Business

Acing at your business and yet awaiting exponential growth? YES? then a possibility is; ā€˜Customer...

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Mistakes not to repeat while strategic planning

Well, how many times have you heard the word strategy? Innumerable times, right? Strategy, “they,”...

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21/90 Strategy Sustenance

Today, 90% of business strategy success depends on its sustenance, Right? However, coming up with...

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Hire and Fire doesnā€™t work in Sales team building

Hire and Fire doesnā€™t work in Sales team building

Mere hiring good Sales Team wonā€™t work but Real Game starts after that! “It takes...

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Executive Hiring Is Not Just Hiring

Executive Hiring is Not Just Hiring

ā€œIf you think itā€™s expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur.ā€...

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Are You Running Your Business? Or Instead, Is Your Business Running You?

Are You Running Your Business? Or Instead, Is Your Business Running You?

ā€œAre You Running Your Business? Or Instead, Is Your Business Running You?ā€ ā€œWhether you have...

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Ways To Grow Your Business In 2020

Ways to Grow your Business in 2020

“Ways to Grow your Business in 2020” Directing business in the growth arena is what...

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Grip on Growth

Accept or donā€™tā€¦. 90% of Business Growth stuck just becauseā€¦. Inability of Top Management to...

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