strategy Archives - Stratefix Consulting


The Future of HR: Transformative Strategies for a Successful Organization!

Imagine a world where your HR department isn’t just processing paperwork, but actively propelling your...

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From Waste to Wealth: How Line Balancing Boosts Profits and Efficiency

From snail pace to cheetah chase, experience the power of line balancing. Imagine turning your...

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Business Coach Vs Business Consulting

When business gets confusing, don’t flip a coin – flip through the playbook of business...

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The role of Data Analytics in business decision-making

Introduction Businesses are no longer mind-readers; they’re data-readers.  Readers which are transforming information into action...

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Textile Industry

Overview The company’s mission is to empower entrepreneurs in the digital textile industry with the...

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Evaluating B2B Market Penetration

Key Metrics for Business Expansion Drive business expansion with a strategic approach and deep understanding...

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Effective Financial Management for MSMEs

It’s not the ‘quantity’ of capital, but ‘quality’ of its management that decides the financial-fate...

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Impact of Customer Feedback on Business

Acing at your business and yet awaiting exponential growth? YES? then a possibility is; ‘Customer...

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