“Human Resource is a source for all the resources in the company

In your working life you must have come across the term HR or Human Resources. BAM! BUSTED! No, they aren’t just to organize Secret Santas, or to remind everybody whose birthday it is that day. It’s called a ‘resource’ for a reason. And probably the most underutilised resource in the company.  

HR is restricted 

Currently, HR is just used for day-to-day mundane administrative work like payrolls, recruiting, and lots and lots of paperwork. Although these daily activities ultimately make a bigger impact on your company, and without them, the company can go on a standstill.  

A world without HR 

Imagine if there’s no HR in the company. There will be no quality hiring, no background check of the employees, the employees won’t be paid as per their talent, since HR can very efficiently identify the value of an employee in the company. HR holds the key to quality work in the corporate world. 

But how about taking it a notch further, and understanding their role as a ‘strategic HR business partner’ 

HR has more to it than we realise 

70% of the companies believe that the Human Resource Officer should be the driving force of their enterprise. But only 50% of the companies admit the Human Resource matches their expectations. This is because HR in most companies work in a bubble. They are just being limited to administering a small part in the corporate world.

What does an HR business partner do? 

An HR business partner looks at the bigger picture. They oversee whether the HR policies fit the vision, wants, goals, and model of the company. They develop policies as per the companies’ goal, and not just implement a standard, common policy followed by all. Nor are they a C-Suite employee, neither a manager of human resource, they are more of an advisor or consultants who works to strengthen the inner structure of a company. 

“Human Resource isn’t a thing we do; it’s the thing that runs our business.”- Doug Conant 

Till now we talked about what is the function of HR Business Partner, now let’s talk about what their specific roles are-

HR partners can build your organisational brand 

Although strong brands hire strong talents, we often forget that strong brands are built by strong talents. As per the company’s wants, and goals, the HR hires the talents, aligns them with the company and the output is what builds the brand of the company. Through reward programs, through building a safe work culture, the HR indirectly affects your brand in a major way. 

Make your business competitive

HR partners, through developing policies, strategizing with the C-suite players can strengthen the inner hierarchy which can in turn produce work that makes your business competitive in this cut-throat competitive culture. 

Increases efficiency 

Through using digital assets as a tool, HR partners can automate most parts of the processes which in turn leaves less time for the employees to file paperwork and more time in being productive in their own work. Thus increases the efficiency of the company as a whole. 

Encourage leaders 

A rational business partner would encourage leaders to handle the employees’ problems. They empower the leaders to make decisions regarding the employees. HR should not be the first go-to option, in fact it should be an emergency safety net of the whole process. 

An HR business partner has to be the future in the enterprises’ way of deciding policies regarding its employees. They need to strategically work hand-in-hand with the company to determine the future of the firm and to build a really strong internal management. Stratefix’s HR transformation service solely focuses on that. It emphasises on Improving the Retention Ratio, encouraging Intrapreneurship amongst Team Culture Development & Better Employer Branding and Enhanced Productivity against the investment, are the few advantages that you get with Stratefix’s HR transformation service. Be a part of the future by making the HR your business partner, and not an administration service.