Accept or don’t…. 90% of Business Growth stuck just because….

Inability of Top Management to gauge the direction, speed and method of Sales.


Direction :

Most of the time, Top to down, there is no clarity –

  1. Who can be your “Best Customer”?
  2. Very important – Who can never be your customer too ?
  3. Exactly, what kind of Product/ Services, we shall be focusing and what to be Ignored?
  4. Which Market is to be targeted?

Clarity is essential that in which direction we want to take our business. One can neither be expert in all area nor can serve to each and every one.

Speed :

Days are gone when Top Management were only involved in process of “Business Development”.

The organization must need to set up strong “Business Development Team” for creating independency, so that Top Management can focus on High End Sales & meanwhile Business Development Team start generating regular business. This is the best practice to come out of survival mode.


Method of Sales :

Traditional ways of Sales will work “Now & In future”? – Best possible answer is “Never”. The companies need to learn the new ways of Business Development. One needs to balance and develop all means of Business Development. No one never knows – Where your customer is?